(818) 953-5300


Your critical guide to navigating 2024’s real estate market.

As we venture into 2024, it’s crucial for real estate professionals to stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic industry. The upcoming year promises significant changes and advancements, particularly in the way we utilize technology and comply with new regulations. Let’s dive into the key changes and strategies that can shape a successful year in real estate.

1. Leveraging AI technology. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the real estate sector. This year, my team and I are increasingly relying on AI for writing and engaging with prospects. The integration of AI tools is not just a trend; it’s a shift towards more efficient and effective business operations.

2. Navigating new FCC regulations. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has introduced changes affecting how online lead generation companies distribute leads. These modifications suggest a shift towards more direct, one-to-one client interactions and increased transparency. Adapting to these changes is essential for compliance and maintaining a competitive edge.

“My commitment to supporting fellow real estate professionals remains steadfast.”

3. Reflecting on past successes and failures. Looking back at 2023, it’s important to analyze what strategies worked and where improvements are needed. My focus is on doubling down on successful tactics, such as open houses and door-knocking, and refining or eliminating less effective methods.

4. Consistent and quality prospecting. Dedicated time for prospecting remains a cornerstone of my daily routine. Starting and ending the day with focused prospecting activities has proven beneficial for my team, fostering steady growth and client engagement.

As we embrace these changes and strategies, my commitment to supporting fellow real estate professionals remains steadfast. Whether it’s through sharing insights, answering queries, or offering guidance, I am here to assist. Feel free to reach out via phone, email, or text for any advice or discussion.

Let’s make 2024 a year of remarkable achievements in real estate. Together, we can navigate the evolving landscape and achieve greater heights in our profession.