(818) 953-5300


A message of thanks beyond the Thanksgiving feast.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'd like to take a moment to convey my warmest greetings to my beloved family, cherished friends, dedicated coworkers, the invaluable vendors who support me during transactions, and the exceptional realtors with whom I have had the privilege to collaborate.

But it doesn't stop there; I'm immensely grateful for the wonderful community I call home. It's a place filled with warmth, kindness, and unity. Being part of this community is a source of immense pride, and I am thankful for the bonds we share.

Let's cherish the moments with our loved ones and celebrate the spirit of giving.”

As we count our blessings, let's also remember those in our community who may be in need. Supporting local nonprofits can make a significant difference in the lives of others. I've had the privilege of contributing to BTAC for over two decades, and this year, I've had the pleasure of donating turkeys to families facing challenging times. If you're in a position to lend a hand, please consider reaching out to support these organizations doing invaluable work. BTAC is always in need of breakfast cereals, peanut butter and jelly, and soups, particularly heartier soups like Progresso. This is a wonderful organization doing amazing work in our community, so I hope you will find it in your heart to lend a hand.

BTAC’s contact information:

1304 W Burbank Blvd, Burbank, 91506



In closing, I extend my warmest wishes to you and your loved ones for a blessed Thanksgiving holiday season. May your hearts be filled with gratitude, and may this time be a reminder of the importance of coming together and showing kindness to one another.

Let's cherish the moments with our loved ones and celebrate the spirit of giving. Take care, and may this Thanksgiving season bring you joy and fulfillment.