(818) 953-5300


Here’s why you always need to be ready to help prospects.

Recently, I was checking in on some buyers I had previously spoken with—buyers who, at the time, informed me they were already working with a Realtor.

I had found it quite interesting that these buyers were reaching out to us about properties for sale even though they already had an agent working for them. 

Being there for them could be as easy as sending a market overview.

This is what I've been telling my agents: If you talk to someone who is already working with an agent, make sure you’re checking back in with them on a regular basis. See what’s going on in their life; they might need some assistance. It could be as simple as sending them a market overview or some new listings that fit what they’re looking for. 

The buyers I reached out to were so happy to hear from me because they were still looking at homes and hadn’t even heard from their own agent. There’s gold in your CRM if you know where to look.

If you have any questions for me about these kinds of leads or the real estate business in general, don't hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.